
17 Dezembro, 2021

JBMC returned to the grass! We proudly support the young football teams Sub-11 and Sub-19 of FC Cesarense. The brand logo is already glowing on the 2021-2022 football jerseys.

This sponsorship is an excellent way to encourage young people to practice sport, developing and maintaining a positive attitude towards sport and physical activity.


13 Maio, 2021

This year, we started early the celebration with the acquisition of two new tools.

If our main focus has always been essentially on the toilet seats manufacturing, this year we refocused our strategy only in this product and all the components that are required. With these new injection moulding machines IN-08 and IN-09 we can increase our production capacity and bet on new components.

On this “adulthood” we are ready and focused on new challenges and new responsibilities!


14 Julho, 2020

JBMC is extremely proud to announce that it has received the 2020 SME Leader Status.

This certification created by IAPMEI (Portuguese Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation), distinguishes companies by their performance qualities and risk profile, which give themselves the responsibility for boosting the Portuguese economy.

We thank all our Collaborators, Suppliers, Business Partners and Clients who help us every day to the continuous improvement and refinement of our products and our services.


3 Abril, 2020

Dear Sir(s),

Our most sincere greetings to all.
At this present time we are all safe at JBMC as well as our families.

We are complying with all measures imposed by the National Health Association, our staff has been
divided into teams, some staying at home, others working from home and finally, those that need to
be present on a daily basis.

In terms of economical activity, the side effects force us to drastically reduce production. JBMC has
decided today to suspend all activity as well as all indirect services during weeks 16 and 17 assuring,
however, all commercial and financial contacts as well as all possible deliveries.

Furthermore, JBMC’s Medical Division, despite it’s smaller dimension, has, these days, all our attention
in order to guarantee that all deliveries are on time.
Our Design and Development department have embraced a project together with FEUP + ISEP + INEGI
in order to print 3D mask structures in Biodegradable Polymer.

Our commitment is to maintain our usual relations with all our Clients, Suppliers and Business
We will be available through the usual means of communication.

. . .

Exmos. Senhores,

As nossas sinceras saudações.
No presente momento estamos bem de saúde na JBMC e os nossos familiares também.

Seguimos com rigor as determinações da DGS e do Governo, quem deve ficar em casa, quem pode
trabalhar a partir de casa e quem precisa estar na fábrica pessoalmente e diariamente.

Em termos de actividade económica, os efeitos secundários, obrigam-nos a reduzir drasticamente a
produção e tomamos hoje como certo suspender a produção e serviços indirectos nas semanas 16 e
17 assegurando contudo os contactos comerciais e financeiros bem como entregas de mercadoria

Acrescentamos que, a área Medical da JBMC apesar da sua reduzida dimensão, tem nestes dias a
maior atenção para que os fornecimentos sejam eficientes e atempados e o departamento de
Concepção e Desenvolvimento assumiu com a FEUP + ISEP + INEGI a impressão 3 D de Suportes de
Viseiras em Polimero Biodegradável.

O nosso compromisso é manter as habituais relações com todos os nossos Clientes, Fornecedores e
restantes Parceiros. Estaremos contactáveis através dos habituais meios de comunicação.


Administração / Administration


3 Fevereiro, 2020

You can visit JBMC, from February 3rd to 7th at CEVISAMA that takes place at Feria Valencia in hall 6 – level 2 – stand C103.

The fair will be bringing together manufacturers, distributors, architects, interior designers and industry professionals from all five continents in what is a highly ambitious edition with great prospects.

We look forward to see you there!


5 Outubro, 2019

JBMC is sponsoring the F.C.Cesarense young team for the season 2019-2020.

With this brand association, we are helping our young people staying active, overcoming challenges and building social bonds to prepare them for the future to come.


3 Outubro, 2019

On 25th October 2019, JBMC was pleased to welcome once again, our partner A.Ramalhão, to lecture at our installations in S. M. Feira, the 13rd Edition of Industrial Context Training about “Safety Data Sheets”.